This label meets basic environmental sustainability and social welfare standards.
Requires Verification/Inspection
FoodPrint Label Criteria
Crop Production
Produced without industrial pesticides*
Synthetic fertilizers or sewage sludge prohibited
GMOs prohibited
Antibiotics prohibited on crops
Biodiversity required**
Soil health monitored/measured for improvement over time (soil biome, carbon sequestration, etc)***
*Some standards exist, but not as comprehensive as USDA Organic
**Some biodiversity requirements are required, but is not comprehensive
***Some assessment of soil health is required, but is not comprehensive
Worker Welfare
Standards and protections for workers on farm
Fair/living wages ensured
Health care insurance ensured
Food Label Glossary
For explanations of some of these technical terms, like “biodiversity” or “sewage sludge fertilizers,” please visit our glossary.